Easy Pass

Difficulty Distance Elevation Gain
 Strenuous 6.0 Miles Round-trip 2,800


Easy Pass, 6,500 feet


On State Highway 20 east of Newhalem and east of Rainy Pass, turn right onto Easy Pass trailhead parking lot (mile marker 151). The parking lot is 6 miles west of Rainy Pass.


The trail begins in beautiful primary forest, littered with conifers draped in moss. Enjoy the scenery at the beginning of the trail, then get ready for the burn. While the trail isn't long, it gains elevation steeply and unrelentlessly.

The shortness of the hike makes it doable even for those not in peak hiking condition; just slow the pace down and take frequent breaks.

The marked trailhead begins on the southwest end of the paved parking lot. Shortly after disembarking, a log jam spans Granite Creek -- a new bridge across has been long in the plannin. From there the trail switchbacks for 2 miles through forest and follows a relatively straight line just west of Easy Pass Creek.

After 2 miles and 1,500 feet of elevation gain, the path crosses over Easy Path Creek and begins ascending steeply through an avalanche debris area. The path goes through a swampy valley beneath Ragged Ridge, passing through meadows, boulder fields and small pockets of hemlock.

The pass offers good views of Mount Logan, Storm King and Fisher Peak. The first half of the trail, which used to be in disrepair, has been painstakenly maintained by the Skagit Alpine Club. Volunteers have constructed puncheon bridges through the timbered section of the trail.

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