Squire Creek

Difficulty Distance Elevation Gain
 Unknown 7.4 Miles Round-trip


From the Darrington Ranger District office, drive south and take Mt. Loop Highway .8 miles to Darrington Street. Turn right on Darrington Street and follow this road for 3.75 miles to the end.


In 2002, a massive slide off Jumbo Mountain blocked the access road two miles from the trailhead. To reach this old trailhead, pass through returning alder and cross a small feeder stream while marveling at the enormous amount of mountainside that came down and blocked Squire Creek below. After a couple hundred yards, climb upslope to the road grade and walk two miles to the old trailhead and a ford that can be difficult when flow is high. Continue at a pleasant enough grade and soon enter the Boulder River Wilderness, passing by an increasing number of trees of impressive stature and girth. Before long the grade steepens and the tread deteriorates as the trail becomes more stream than trail during the early season. At approximately four miles, leave the forest and experience the most spectacular views of Three Fingers, Mt. Bullon and seldom-seen cliffs of Whitehorse. Upslope are cliffs, steep granite slabs and evidence of rock-fall and avalanche. This area holds snow late given its elevation.

At the pass the views to the east are jaw dropping. Bring a pair of binoculars to try and find the lookout on the southern-most finger of Three Fingers, watch the innumerable waterfalls across the valley or search for mountain goats known to frequent the area. Huckleberry, mosquitos and heather are all common here. Please use existing camp sites and bring a camp stove to protect the fragile plant life that often lies buried under snow until July and has precious little time before the snow typically returns in October.

For a loop trip continue down the other side of the pass towards Clear Creek on the Eight-mile Trail 654.1, ending on the Clear Creek Road 2065.

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